Week of September 21-25 lesson plans--look here first, this is going to tell you what we are doing IN CLASS and what is expected on virtual days
MONDAY is listed on the previous week's lesson plan since it was day 2 of the lesson
Tues/Wed. September 22/23 (in class) Receive hard copy of physical/chemical change lab
- Handout graph % sugar graph and share class average data-demonstrate how to use
- complete soda samples
- finish one set of post lab calcs
Assignment: this is due for next class period
Complete % sugar lab (should be a small set of calcs to finish)-will receive a lab quiz in future
Optional, but useful. video of physical and chemical changes
Watch and answer questions of physical/chemical change pre-lab demonstration video (posted below)
Note, any time this week : complete ions drill #4 before Friday 9/25 at 4 p.m. or points will be deducted for being late
Thurs/ Fri September 24/25 (what we are doing in class)
- check/questions on % sugar lab-hold on to lab for a future lab quiz
- complete steps 1-3 of physical / chemical changes lab (video is posted for students absent)
Assignment:this is due for next class period
watch steps 4-6 must be watched online and fill in lab sheet (video is posted for all students)
complete all post lab questions as possible -be prepared to ask questions on the post lab you need at the beginning of next period